Friday, 20 February 2009
Funny newspaper stories
Three in four women told a poll they do their own DIY and a third say they're better than men.
Postmistress Tracy Major chased off a robber by hitting him with a roll of clingfilm in Hull.
Fed-up Raj Kumar, 34, wants a divorce after his wife refused to cook him a single meal in their one-year marriage, leaving him to live on takeaways in New Delhi, India.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Newspaper front pages
Too busy too read the papers? Don't worry The Editor brings you the best of what the papers have to offer each day. Here's what making the news today ..
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Funny newspaper stories
Two love rivals aged 74 and 86 beat each other with walking sticks in a row over a woman of 75 in Gramada, Bulgaria.
Stunned nurse Jackie Morgan woke to find a MEERKAT standing outside her window in Mynydd Isa, North Wales.
Vicar Mervyn Roberts will sleep in a church bell tower for the 40 days of Lent in Bishops Tachbrook, Warwickshire.
Scrounger Alan Jones, 32, has got an Asbo banning him from hassling strangers for cigarettes in East Ham, East London.
Scoop6 and other dodgy bets
Hull, West Ham, Scunthorpe, Leicester, Tranmere - any four from five, all up for 100 notes.
Doncaster, Aberdeen, Brentford, Dundee Utd - any three from four, all up for 50 pounds sterling.
A cheeky wee £1 accy on all of the above would pay out a grand total of 500 big ones.
C'mon, I'm due a wee win.
Friday, 13 February 2009
The Editor on Sun Online

The Editor has written a first person piece for Sun Online about the social network site twitter
Read the full article here
TENNIS ace Andy Murray is the latest Scots star to sign up to web phenomenon Twitter.
He joins the likes of music guru Calvin Harris and comic Hardeep Singh Kohli — not to mention Stephen Fry and Britney Spears — on the social networking site.
Former Scottish Sun man JAMES McIVOR — who now runs Scooped! Spoof Newspapers — is a self-confessed Twitter addict.
Here he explains just what all the fuss is about.
I JOINED Twitter at the same time as I was signing up to loads of other social network sites — MySpace, Bebo and Facebook to name just three.
All these sites served their purpose of helping to promote my business but, for me, Twitter has raced ahead of the game.
Its strength is its simplicity — anyone can use Twitter without having to use fancy applications, although they are still available for the geeks.
Around 1,000 people follow my tweets each day and Twitter allows me to inform them of our new spoof newspaper front pages, or ask their advice on new ideas.
The easiest way to build up a following is to follow followers of followers, if you follow me.
But it’s not all about business, it’s great being able to share ideas with people of various different backgrounds, share newspaper or blog articles or just find out how people are passing their day.
Since I signed up, the number of people using Twitter has increased by 1,000 per cent — there are now 35million users — so it has become a very powerful site.
Twitter scooped the world with the first picture of the Hudson River plane crash.
Celebs are now getting into Twitter — as you only have 140 characters to play with, they can let their fans know what they’re doing very easily.
I like that I can scan Twitter and if anything grabs my attention I’ll go straight to that page. It’s a quick way to keep up with the news.
Earlier this month I launched The All Tweet Journal, an online Twitter newspaper that will allow people who use Twitter regularly to share their news.
It’s early days but the feedback has been great so far and the plan is to go from a weekly newspaper to a daily.
So if you’re not already on Twitter, twit are you waiting for?
You can follow James at @makingthenews and @alltweetjournal or visit his websites and
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Newspapers on twitter

National newspapers are going crazy for celebs who use twitter.
Now, as The Sun reports this morning, they have a brilliant new website that is doing all the hard work for them.
Showbiz hacks have thus far been wary of embracing twitter for fear that the 'stars' are fakes.
But - the brainchild of OpenID.ORG founder Steven Livingstone - makes sure the celebs are who they say they are and the site is already proving a great source of stories for journos.
You can follow Valebrity on twitter at @valebrity
Funny Newspaper Headline
Almost every UK newspaper today features the grovelling apologies by former RBS bosses Fred Goodwin and Tom McKillop and their HBOS counterparts.
But none captured the mood of the nation quite like The Sun this morning with their headline SCUMBAG MILLIONAIRE.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Funny newspaper stories
Judges ruled a hubby must pay his ex £250-a-month alimony - after a seven day marriage with no sex in Bologna, Italy.
Blokes now take as long as women to get ready for a night out - with the average man taking 1hr 44mins to pick and iron their clothes and shower and style their hair. Women take just 19 mins longer, the survey reveals.
A set of railway station signs from the old Aberdeen to Peterhead line - which were bought for £3 - fetched over £17,5000 at an auction in Stafford.
More twitter in The Sun

I JOINED twitter at the same time as I was signing up to loads of other social network sites - myspace, bebo and Facebook to name just three.
The Sun's Guide to twitter

A good article from today's Sun .. 20 things you need to know about twitter
1. Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to micro-blog for free in real-time
2. Posts - called tweets - can be no more than 140 characters long.
3. You can 'follow' other twitterers' tweets and they can follow yours.
4. Your username is @nameofyourchoice and you can have your own picture
5. You can use twitter from your PC or your mobile phone
6. You can post about anything you like .. a link to your own or favourite website or blog, about what you're doing at work, how you're favourite sports team are doing (you can tweet direct from the game) where you're going that night, when you're playing your next gig - or, simply, what you had for dinner. It is also useful for asking your followers a question and, often, getting a prompt response.
7. Posts - both yours and your followers' - are displayed on your profile page like a micro-blog, allowing you to scan over each page and spread news very quickly.
8. You can follow a number of celebrities on twitter including @britneyspears @andymurray @wossy (Jonathan Ross) and @coldplay
9. The twitterer with the most followers is @barackobama who at the last count had more than 250,000
10. @stephenfry is at No3 with almost 200,000 followers
11. @stephenfry tweeted from 'The Green Room' moments before he appeared on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross last month.
12. twitter scooped the world with the Hudson River jet crash - a picture of the plane was posted on twitter within minutes of it crashing and was later used on BBC News.
13. twitterers can get their daily diet of news from twitter with @bbc @skynews and @cnn all regularly updating
14. An estimated 35million people use twitter worldwide
15. twitter - founded by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams - does not allow advertising on the site and has not made a single penny but last year turned down a £350million bid from Facebook.
16. There are now hundreds of twitter applications which allow users to share photos, videos or files or just find people more easily.
17. There is now a dedicated online twitter newspaper called
18. There is a website dedicated to validating celebrities on twitter called
19. On February 12 more than 175 cities around the world - including Glasgow and Edinburgh - will be hosting Twestivals which bring together Twitter communities for an evening of fun and to raise money and awareness for charity: water.
20. twitter is not all good though ... @russellbrand has joined.