LOVE is always in the air when The Editor is around. Well, it's not really actually but our pals at Scooped! couldn't think of a cheesier line to announce the launch of their new range of Valentine's Day newspaper gifts.
You can celebrate Valentine's Day this year - by putting your love story on the front page of a spoof newspaper.
A personalised Valentine's newspaper is the perfect personalised Valentine's Day gift.
Make your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband's year by naming them the Best Lover In Britain, Best Lover in Scotland, Best Lover In England, Best Lover in Ireland, Best Lover In Wales or the Best Lover in the World.
Or you can name your partner Best Husband in the World or Best Wife in the World.
Scooped! has teamed up with The Sun newspaper to launch an entire range of personalised newspaper gifts.
Here is just three spoof Sun front pages that you can order. Give your missus the best personalised Valentine's Day ever - by naming her the BEST WIFE IN BRITAIN and putting her on the front page of the country's best-selling newspaper.
Or give your man the best funny Valentine's gift around by naming his BEST HUBBY IN BRITAIN and let him appear on a spoof Sun front page.
Best of all, you can snap up a really sexy Valentine's Day present by insisting you are the BEST LOVER IN BRITAIN.
Valentine's Day .. yes, we really do love it.
All Scooped! personalised newspaper gifts are written and designed by real journalists.
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