Cole-gate (geddit?) Day Four:
The Sun has yet more shocking revelations that will add another million to Cheryl's divorce settlement ..
Arrogant love-rat Ashley Cole allegedly told one of his conquests: "I don't need to wear a condom because Chelsea give us check-ups."
Glamour model Brooke Healey, 23, said: "I'd had quite a lot to drink so I took a gamble. Luckily I didn't get pregnant but for weeks I was worried I might be."
Here is fag Ash pictured in happier times with Cheryl, matching white suits and all.
Whoa, what a cheating sod! Chezza must be RAGING! Roll on OK magazine on Thursday - I canny wait!!
I see the Editor managed to dig out the offending picture that I was referring to yesterday....is it any wonder he went on to sleep with other women when his wife made him wear that outfit?
I thought you'd like the pictures! What a couple of whammers.
Anyway, I should have posted this the other day, great quotes from Cheryl's teenage brother Gary ...
"Is that who he's supposed to have shagged? She looks like a bewer* to me.
"I can hardly believe Cole would do this to Cheryl. I think he's a really canny lad."
*In case you hadn't worked it out 'bewer' is Geordie for ugly.
her brother sounds like an intelligent lad....
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