Today's Scoop of the day goes to The Mirror. They lead the way with the news that pregnant Kerry Katona has been taken to hospital after developing pre-eclampsia.
I hope this doesn't appear nasty - and I hope that the baby is OK - but if Kerry is in hospital does that mean the nation is spared the worst programme EVER aired on British TV? Car crash telly doesn't come close to describing how bad it is .. this is 20-car pile up stuff.
I can't believe that the Editor has even admitted to watching such trash TV!!
Do you think it was through the round telly?
I was forced to watch the very first episode - and nearly put my foot through the round telly:-)
That might be why the missus made me watch it.
One day she will get her move to Utopia Ave in Giffnock and we will get a plasma TV with square edges.
Poor Kezza, leave her alone......and she's doing something right anyway, don't see no round tellies fae Makro in her house!
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